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Understanding The Side Effects Of Vaser Liposuction

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Sleek, sculpted bodies with minimal downtime have made Vaser liposuction the go-to choice for many. This minimally invasive procedure uses high-end ultrasound technologies to pinpoint hardened pockets of fat and help patients achieve a more toned, sleeker look. However, as with any surgical procedure, Vaser liposuction has its risks, and patients should be fully aware of those before getting started.

It is important to prepare you for any side effects, and we are here to help you manage your expectations during your recovery period. In this article, we will help you understand about Vaser liposuctions, side effects of Vaser liposuctions and who can have them. 


What is Vaser liposuction?


VASER (Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance) liposuction, or Vaser lipo, is an advanced body contouring technique designed to break up and remove fat cells using ultrasonic technology. Vaser liposuction employs ultrasonic energy to disrupt fat cells in a manner that is gentler on the body because it breaks up fat deposits but leaves surrounding tissues like blood vessels and nerves intact, reducing bruising and speeding recovery

First, a saline and a local anaesthetic solution is injected, and then a specialised probe emitting high-frequency ultrasonic waves is inserted. These waves cause the fat to go into a liquid state, making it less complicated to suction out. Vaser liposuction is performed on the more usual areas, like the abdomen and sides, aka love handles or muffin tops, thighs, and arms.


The most common side effects of Vaser liposuction


With the efficiency and less downtime that Vaser liposuction is known for, don’t forget that it still has its own side effects. Knowing these can help you have realistic healing expectations.


Bruising and swelling


Bruising and swelling are both common side effects of Vaser liposuction, and can last for weeks following surgery (with some individuals experiencing bruising that lasts as long as six months in some cases). The bruising you experience typically comes down to your skin type and the regions being treated.


Tightness, aching, or swelling


After the procedure, patients may feel tight in the area of treatment, and aching and swelling may be seen as well. The feeling is usually low-grade and resolves within a few days.


Skin changes


Patients may notice changes in the skin’s texture, including dimpled, wavy, or saggy skin. These changes can be more pronounced if the skin lacks elasticity or if a significant amount of fat is removed.




It is common to have temporary numbness in the treated areas post Vaser liposuction. But numbness can last a long time, even forever, for some.


Loose skin


Although this is normal after the skin has healed, some people actually have loose skin that does not tighten with the new body. This can be especially apparent in large areas of fat removal.


Infection or complications


As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of infection. Patients should monitor for signs of infection, such as increased redness, swelling, or discharge.

Being aware of these possible side effects may assist in planning for recovery and a more comfortable healing phase. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider regarding related medical questions, and never disregard professional health care standards when seeking such advice.


Who is a candidate for Vaser liposuction?


Candidates for Vaser liposuction are people who are close to their normal body weight but have isolated areas of fat that just will not go away. Men and women seeking to improve body contours, especially on the abdomen, thighs, flanks, and arms, are suitable for this treatment. Good skin elasticity is preferable for the ideal candidates, as this allows them to better contour towards achieving their desired result

They also need to be generally healthy and free of any health conditions that might make the treatment difficult. A consultation with a certified surgeon can help identify whether you are a good candidate for Vaser lipo.




In short, VASER liposuction is a body contouring procedure that removes unwanted fat and minimises recovery time and side effects. However, despite these many advantages, it is necessary to realise its side effects, like bruising, swelling, and changes in skin. Understand who qualifies for this surgery to make an informed decision. 

If you are contemplating the procedure, contact Botonics in London to find out more about Vaser liposuction. We are specialists, and with our knowledge, we can help you in a tailored way by leading you through the process to get where you wish. Get in touch with Botonics today for a free consultation!

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