Liposuction Treatment
How Much Fat Can Be Removed With Liposuction?
Deciding to have liposuction can be a great way to get rid of unwanted fat. But, in reality, how much fat can be removed with liposuction?
In this post, we’ll look at everything you need to know about having fat removed from your areas of concern.

Understanding Liposuction: How does it target fat?
Liposuction involves removing loosened fat cells using a tool called a cannula. This is essentially a surgical tube placed under the skin of a specific area to target the fat cells. After they have loosened, a vacuum process is used to suck out the excess fat cells removing them from the body. This is how fat is removed from specific areas.
How much fat can be removed with liposuction?
Medical professionals say that up to 5 litres of fat can be removed through liposuction, although this depends on the person’s general build and the amount of fat in the area of concern. The surgeon will only remove the amount of fat appropriate for your Body Mass Index (BMI). It also depends on where you have removed it from. For example, someone having fat removed from their arm area will have far less fat removed than someone having it removed from their buttocks or tummy.
Surgeons will also take care not to remove an unsafe amount. 5 litres is usually the absolute maximum. It also depends on the results you want, especially seeing as though this procedure is strictly for body sculpting purposes. It may not always be appropriate to remove fat from certain areas for the sake of professional contouring.
Factors affecting the amount of fat that can be removed with liposuction
Your BMI is the healthy ratio of weight to height ratio of your body. It gives an indication of how much you should weigh according to how tall you are. It’s important for liposuction as it helps to determine how much fat can be safely removed to maintain a healthy BMI.
What you want done
The areas of concern are also important when determining how much fat is removed with liposuction. Smaller areas will naturally have less fat removed than those with a larger surface area. You may also not have all the fat removed from anywhere as it would compromise the quality of the aesthetic after the procedure. It’s also medically impossible to have all fat cells removed.
Your overall health
One of the key things to keep in mind is that your body requires a certain fat percentage to function. If your fat levels are unhealthy, then more can be removed. However, if you physically do not have fat to remove, then you certainly should not be seeking liposuction.
Surgical complications
If there are any complications during the surgery, it’s mandatory for the surgeons to cease the operation. If the procedure is brought to an end prematurely, it will affect how much fat is removed with liposuction.
What are the risks associated with liposuction?
Before you undergo liposuction, you need to ensure that you are the right candidate for the procedure. Liposuction is not for everyone, and there are certain risks associated with it. Although surgeons are trained professionals in the field of plastic surgery, there are risks of complications during the procedure. These risks include:
- Organ damage
- Puncture wounds
- Allergic reactions to anaesthetic
- Internal damage to nerves
- Patients experiencing shock
Immediately after the procedure, there is also a risk of patients being exposed to the following:
- Blood clots
- Fluid accumulating in the lungs
- Fat clotting
- Wound infection
- Heavy bruising or hematomas
- Severe swelling
After liposuction, there is also the need to recover from surgery. This phase is paramount to ensure that you do not do any further damage to wounds after surgery which may cause increased scarring and infection. The risks you’re exposed to after liposuction in the recovery phase include:
- Aesthetic and contouring problems
- Bumps in the skin
- Numbness around the affected area
- Excessive swelling due to fluid imbalances
- Skin discolouration
- Excessive scarring
- Delayed healing
Finally, you need to be made aware of the possible long-term risks after undergoing liposuction treatments. These include:
- Permanent nerve damage that can cause numbness and changes to sensations in the skin
- Indentations in the skin
- Permanent scarring
For these reasons, you and your surgeon need to thoroughly assess whether you are a good candidate. If the proper assessment procedures are followed, the likelihood of any of the above occurring significantly reduces, lowering the risks of any short—or long-term damage as a result of liposuction. In most cases, patients are happy with their results and live their lives with more confidence and energy after liposuction surgery.
What Post-Operative Care Is Required After Fat Removal?
The recovery phase of liposuction is equally important. This phase ensures that the wounds made during surgery heal completely. To enjoy the best possible results after surgery, you must take the following steps.
- Ensure you get plenty of rest depending on the size of the surgery and the severity of post-surgical wounds
- Make sure you wear compression garments to keep pressure on the area liposuction has taken place to reduce swelling and bruising. You will usually need to wear these for a few weeks after surgery.
- Take the prescribed medication to reduce pain and the risk of infection
- Make sure you stick to the recommended cleaning routine
- Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, which will aid in recovery
- Only subject yourself to exercise or rigorous activity 5 weeks after surgery (or as otherwise advised by your surgeon), especially if a lot of fat was removed during liposuction
Sticking to these recovery tips will ensure you get the best results in the long term and will also reduce the risks of any long-term damage.
Trust Botonics for a smooth liposuction procedure
The team at Botonics have many years of experience with liposuction and can guarantee great results and a smooth process. We conduct thorough assessments for anyone who is considering liposuction and wants to start on their journey to a healthier, happier you.
Although any form of cosmetic surgery does come with certain risks, we are professionals in the area and will ensure your health and safety throughout the process. Contact us today for any queries surrounding your liposuction procedure, we’d be happy to help.