Vaser Liposuction surgery
Make the most of modern technology with Vaser liposuction
These days, technology is an absolutely integral part of our lives. It is present in almost all of our environments and we benefit from it each day.
For this reason, it is easy to take the developments in science for granted. However, it is important to reflect on the advances in the field every once in a while.
One of the more recent progressions in technology is that of Vaser liposuction, which is also referred to as Vaser lipo. This is a surgical technique that is used to help patients get rid of stubborn areas of fat. It works in a similar way to traditional liposuction but it is more subtle in its technique.
The procedure relies on the power of ultrasound to target only the fat that the individuals want to have removed, leaving other parts largely undamaged. Of course, ultrasound has not always been used in this way. Among other things, it is utilised as a way of enabling people to see their unborn babies. This is still the case, but now it also has other applications and one of them is in this form of cosmetic surgery.
By harnessing this effective technique, surgeons are able to reshape patients’ bodies and remove persistent areas of fat that have resisted diet and exercise. Here at botonics, we offer this form of fat removal treatment at our Harley Street clinic in London. So, if you are keen to improve your body, why not make the most of this effective and up-to-date technique?