Vaser Liposuction surgery
The Pros And Cons Of Vaser Liposuction
Many of us battle with stubborn fat cells that never seem to disappear. It seems that no matter how hard we diet, exercise, and steer away from those sweet treats, there are some areas that seem to cling to fat for dear life. For this reason, many people seek out other methods of fat loss.

One such method is cosmetic surgery. One of the most popular procedures to remove stubborn fat is Vaser liposuction. This article will look further into what exactly this procedure entails as well as Vaser Liposuction pros and cons.
What is Vaser liposuction?
Vaser Liposuction uses ultrasound to essentially loosen up fat cells before they are removed from the areas of concern. This method makes it far easier for surgeons to handle compared to the more traditional methods of Liposuction. The procedure is considered to be minimally invasive, which is one of the aspects that makes it so popular.
What are the pros of a Vaser liposuction procedure?
As with any cosmetic surgery, there are pros and cons to consider before deciding to undergo the procedures. Here are some of the pros associated with Vaser liposuction.
Better contouring than traditional liposuction
One of the main concerns with any procedure is that the results won’t be exactly as you expected. However, given how Vaser liposuction works, surgeons are able to remove a more precise amount of fat so that you can achieve a more specific definition in a given area.
The procedure causes less discomfort
As mentioned above, this procedure is considered to be minimally invasive. This means that for smaller procedures there is no need for candidates to go under a general anaesthetic, as only locals are required to aid with the small incisions into the skin. This minor procedure, while not painless, is significantly less painful than other types of liposuction. For larger procedures, or when the patient prefers, sedation or general anaesthetic is still an option based on the advise of the surgeon.
Shorter and easier recovery process
One of the great things about Vaser liposuction is that most candidates can leave the surgery on the same day and recover at home. There is not a lot of recovery time required, with most patients only needing around three days of bed rest, which is significantly shorter than other procedures. You should also keep in mind that these timelines are estimates and assume that there are no complications and that candidates are in good health before the procedure.
Less damage and trauma to the surrounding tissue
One of the reasons that there is minimal discomfort associated with Vaser liposuction is that it does far less damage to the surrounding tissue than traditional liposuction. The procedure does cause some bruising, as incisions will cause minor trauma to the surrounding blood vessels.
However, the ultrasound used during this procedure makes it far easier to remove the fat cells, so there is less effort required when removing the cells from the surrounding tissue. This directly results in less internal trauma.
What are the cons of a Vaser liposuction procedure?
As with any plastic surgery, there are certain cons you need to be made aware of for your own preparedness, health and safety. Some of the cons linked with Vaser liposuction include the following.
The procedure is quite expensive
Given the advanced ultrasound technology used in this procedure, Vaser liposuction is more expensive than its traditional counterpart. The procedure tends to take a bit longer, given the more precise nature of the procedure. This will also result in additional labour costs, and possibly increased hourly rates due to the specialist training required for the procedure.
You will experience minor scarring
Although this liposuction method is preferred, given the reduced recovery time and tissue trauma, any cosmetic procedure will leave behind some scarring. Unfortunately, this is one of the caveats to having surgery done. Although the scarring is minor after Vaser liposuction, they will still be there with some more visible than others depending on post-surgery care and skin type.
The procedure takes slightly longer
Because one of the perks of Vaser liposuction is the precise body contouring, the procedure does take longer than traditional methods. This is also particularly inconvenient for the patient, given that the procedure is conducted under local anaesthetic rather than general, meaning you’re usually conscious throughout the procedure. Of course, patients can still opt for a sedated or general anaesthetic if they prefer, but this results in higher costs for the anaesthetist.
Not suitable for those with fibrous body tissue
Although the general biological make-up of human body tissue is the same, some can be more fibrous than others. The fibrosity of our body tissue can be influenced by our genetics, age, diet, or previous injuries. For example, those with more collagen fibre have fibrous body tissue. Such candidates are not well-suited to Vaser liposuction. A professional should be consulted for proper assessments beforehand.
Vaser liposuction FAQs
Vaser liposuction vs traditional liposuction: Which is better?
When you’re looking for the right liposuction procedure to try, then you’ll need to choose between Vaser liposuction or traditional liposuction. Your choice depends on your budget and what you need to do. Vaser liposuction is better for smaller areas, as the procedure caters to surgery that needs more exact contouring. It will also reduce scarring.
However, for those on more of a budget or who need to deal with a larger amount of fat, then traditional liposuction or Vaser Liposuction under sedation or GA may be better for you.
Where can you get Vaser liposcution?
When looking for Vaser liposuction, always make sure you go to a reputable clinic or cosmetic establishment. For example, Botonics has several locations throughout the UK, with a staffing body of trained professionals fully qualified to provide Vaser liposuction and post-surgery treatments.
How long does Vaser liposuction take?
The amount of time a Vaser liposuction session takes depends on which area needs attention. Larger areas can take up to four hours, however minor procedures can take as little as one hour. The average time for Vaser liposuction procedures is around two hours for most sessions.
How soon after surgery can I start exercising?
Although the initial rest phase takes around three days, it’s advisable that you only start exercising or any other rigorous activity four weeks after the procedure. You also need to ensure you keep up with your treatment plan and care for the wounds according to the instructions the surgeons have provided you with.
Get in touch with Botonics to learn more about the Vaser liposuction procedure
If you think Vaser liposuction is for you, then get in touch with our professional team at Botonics. We have years of experience in cosmetic surgery and always approach our clients with full transparency for any procedure.
Our surgeons are fully trained to handle any queries and concerns you may have surrounding Vaser liposuction pros and cons, and we’d love to help you on your journey to a more confident you! We have a location in Harley Street, London for your convenience, with consultations bookable with just a single phone call. Come and discover the new you with Botonics.