Hips dips are naturally occurring indents or depressions on the outside part of your upper legs just below the hip bone. Hip dips are completely normal and not an indication of any sort of flaw. Nevertheless, some people aim to have a fully rounded buttocks and hips and cannot achieve this through diet and exercise alone.
Hip dips are determined by your genetics and build and vary in appearance. For some, they don’t exist or are barely noticeable. For others, hips dips appear as large indentations and are highly noticeable. How deep your dips are depends on your muscle mass, fat distribution and skeletal anatomy. Certain exercises will help reduce the appearance of hip dips but won’t completely get rid of them. If your hips dips bother you, then you may wish to consider a fat transfer procedure. Fat transfer involves the harvesting of fat from various areas of the body (e.g. abdomen, thighs, back, neck/jawline, backs of arms) and transferring it to the hip dips. Fat can also be transferred to the buttocks at the same time, and to the breasts (although that would normally be a separate surgery). You must have fat to harvest in order to do a fat transfer procedure. This can be assessed by our surgeon during your free consultation. Fat transfer procedures are almost always day cases (i.e. no need to stay overnight in the hospital) and most people are back to work in about a week.