Do you offer the no knife rhinoplasty?
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The non-surgical rhinoplasty is exactly that – it is without surgery. So there are many things that we can do to improve your nose and there are certain noses that would benefit from this procedure.
But there are also limitations on what we can achieve as well. So we can’t make your nose appear thinner but we can make it appear straighter, perhaps more refined. And we can create a more delicate look with very strategic placement of dermal filler.
“My nose, I think, is just a little bit low here. So, I really don’t like it!”
We can do other things as well to lift the nasal tip, we can employ neurotoxin, which some people refer to as Botox, to do that. And we can actually do that with dermal filler as well.
So the thing to do for that would be some dermal filler in this area here. So that when you smile – do your great big smile – you don’t get that curve going down. Instead, what you have is a curve going up. “Oh, it will be great.”
We can also improve dorsal humps as well, which is a hump that you may see on the bridge of the nose. We can fill that and make the nose bridge nice and straight for you which is also aesthetically pleasing and gives a nice clean line to the nose.
“On the side profile, you can see that I have a little bump in my nose. While on the front of the nose, front facing you can’t really notice it that much but on the side you can. So it is just something that is quite small but for me it’s always a big thing.”
So you mentioned, obviously, that you’ve had this procedure twice before. “Yes.” And in the past I know that when I first treated you the indentation here, above the area was a lot deeper than it is presently. “Oh really? Ok, that’s good.” What I’m seeing when I’m looking at you now that you’ve come back for the third time. “Yes.” Is you’ve had a part correction so some of that filler has actually stayed with you. “Which is what you said to me that would happen in a certain time. Which is good!” Yes, absolutely! So we’re not really starting from scratch, we’re actually really in a maintenance mode. “Ok, that’s good.”
If you feel that your nose is a nose that could benefit from this then come and see me, let’s take a look and see what can be done.
To discuss if a non-surgical nose job treatment might be suitable for you, kindly contact us and we will be delighted to organise a free consultation for you.