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How to correct a deviate nose tip and dorsal hump with a liquid rhinoplasty

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How do you feel about your face?


I’ve never been happy with my nose but I’ve never felt like I could go through with surgery. But you know it is a ‘If I could change anything on my face it would be my nose.’ So when I read up about the, this, I was thinking this could be perfect because I want subtle sort of changes but I don’t want to have to go through the savagery of surgery. And also my sister’s had some problems with hers. So that’s really put me off. I feel like my profile in particular I hate, there’s certain angles that I, when I have photos taken I always want to be in a certain position. So I just feel like, with a small bit of help I could look a lot better.




Hence where you come in. So I’m hoping you’ll be able to make me look better. Especially as an actor that quite often in castings I have to stand in front of the camera and then do your profile and then my heart always sinks when I have to do that because I do feel it has stopped me from getting roles before in the past. Especially for a commercial where it’s, you know, a fleeting second of you, you know, looking at your phone or something like that and it’s all in the angles. So if you make yourself look better in any way, then I’m all for small improvements.

What would you like to change, or keep the same?


Well, as you can see, I’ve got a bit of a bump and, and, I just can’t stand it to be honest. I’m almost wanting you to tell rather than where I don’t like. It’s a bit wonky, I think and I’m not sure whether, I’m not really sure what you’re going to do to sort it out. I basically want it to look smaller.




If that’s possible but I don’t want it to look like the nose starts from there, you know.


Yes, yes.


So, I just want it to look a little bit more streamlined. I’m looking at your nose and thinking ‘What a lovely little nose’. But it’s hard to know without a professional opinion what you can do to it to make it look better.




Apart from the obvious, you know. I think it’s a bit beaky, it’s sharp, it’s a bit, I feel like it’s wonky. I don’t mind head on so much, it is mainly the profile.

Taking a further look at potential treatment options?


That’s not as complicated as it may sound because once you sort of correct the shape, the overall effect will be that it will appear smaller, even though it’s not smaller and we’ve added to it clearly. So, maybe it’s actually bigger. But it won’t look like it because it’s very strategic placement of the filler. Just to correct the shape so that the light hits it very nicely, so you get the angles, the nice clean angles that you want from all different angles of your face. And also, so that, you know, so that it’s more photogenic and it’s more, much more aesthetically pleasing therefore better for your career. So you will be better on camera.




I think you have a great nose. It’s really just little, key areas that are sort of interrupting the overall effect.


I think since applying, you know, to have this done, I’ve actually become more critical of it. You know, before I just didn’t like my profile but now I’m looking at it from different angles. From the front it’s a bit wonky and I’m sort of looking at it in much more detail than before because I know that there are things that I can change about it.




So then, before where as you think ‘Ah, I’m just going to have to deal with it’.




I try not to fixate on it too much. But since booking this.




I’ve been thinking, I could do that, I could do this but I’m glad that you can see that there are changes to be made. Lovely. I’m not just picking holes in myself for no reason but there are things that can be made better.


Indeed, yes, there are some things. Just a few key places. So if I look at you straight on I can see that there is a curvature in your bridge on your right, okay. The left side is pretty straight. The only place it breaks is just where you’re a touch deep at the top which gives you that effect of having a bump. And also below where you have this deeper area on the side. Your tip is just slightly off to your right. It’s quite subtle actually. So your tip bones are just doing slightly different things. But actually that can be improved. Obviously, I can’t really change what your tip bones are actually doing but I can work over it so appears as though they are straighter and sort of both pointing together in a nice, straight direction.

Any questions regarding the treatment?


Symmetry. I know it would look, I know that actually if your face was exactly symmetrical it would look a bit strange. But I know there is a definite, a definite curve I didn’t even know about really until the last couple of weeks.


It is quite subtle, actually, the curve, it’s not sort of extreme and dramatic. But actually certain things make a difference.


Exactly. I would like people to just say ‘Oh, you’re looking well’. Rather than thinking ‘Hmmm, you’ve had something done.’ Because it is going to be so subtle that unless, someone like my husband who knows my face, you know, better than what I know my own face.




I think people probably wouldn’t notice, would they. They’ll just think ‘You look well.’


No, I mean generally speaking nearly always people say that nobody’s noticed or that they were really shocked if they shared it with them. I’ve had people say their parents were really shocked, you know, brothers and sisters were just always amazed that people didn’t know. The nice thing is, that when you’ve had injections, unlike a surgery you don’t look as though you’ve had something done. Yes, you might be a bit puffy. Yes, it’s a bit red, but you look more as though you’re suffering from the flu, very badly. You’ve blown your nose a bit too much because no one actually knows what it looks like to have filler put in. And also, it’s different for everyone. So what does that even look like anyway.


So will it be the whole nose be quite red?


You probably will in the areas where I’ve injected you it will look a bit red. A bit glowy, shall we say.


I brought my cream, my arnica cream. Hopefully that will help.


Excellent. Yes, it’s really good, arnica cream. It’s very soothing, it helps bring down the swelling. Also, if you have any bruising at all, as well, it’s going to help that go a lot faster than if you leave it to its own devices. You won’t be hugely swollen today, you’ll just have a little bit of prominences. It will look a little bit higher, a bit sharper, slightly fuller than it actually will be. It’s tomorrow morning. That’s when true swelling really sort of kicks in and you will notice it and you will just look as though maybe you’ve got hay-fever or flu. Something like that. There are no real give away signs that you’ve actually had some cosmetic treatment. So it’s not a hindrance in that sort of way. It’s just you won’t be looking picture ready or, you know, as lovely as you will do when it’s fully settled in.


How long do you think that will be?


In total, a hundred percent, two weeks. Yes. Because a lot of things happen in that time, actually. The swelling, most of that swelling will actually go very early on. So I would say probably in the first three to four days, most of that will go. And you’ll have what I refer to as some residual swelling. It’s there, but it’s subtle, but it’s not a truly nice, refined result. You only really realise it was so swollen when you see the actual result. Yes, it’s come down more. Yes, it’s looking a bit finer, a bit nicer. And so you just see this nice improvement as you go along. But also, as well, the filler will sort of move a bit deeper into the tissues and this is what I refer when I say it’s settling in. Sort of moving more into, into the tissues around it. And so it doesn’t look quite so sharp. You get a much softer look.


Right. And the filler sort of works with your body. Unlike some sort of things that you put into yourself, it’s a natural. I wouldn’t say natural, but does it, the body likes it.


It is a natural substance actually, the one that I’m working with. Because there a lots of different types of fillers out there. Some are natural substances, some are synthetic, some are dissolvable, some are not. This is dissolvable, okay, which is really important for health reasons. Should you have an emergency situation where actually we need to remove the filler then this is essential to, you know sort of, making you well and keeping you safe. It’s natural in that it comes from a type of grass, it doesn’t come from human beings. We do have the exact same substance actually in our body that is native to us because we constantly make hyaluronic acid. It helps our body to hold water, it’s all around and in between our tissue matrix and connective tissue and in our skin. It helps us hold all the moisture that we need in the body so it’s a very important substance. And probably why actually people respond so well to hyaluronic acid filler actually out of all the dermal fillers, it seems to be the most well accepted into the human body. You can have allergic responses, it is possible, as you can with absolutely anything. But not everyone does, it’s quite uncommon. But once in a while, yes, we do see reactions that we would refer to as inflammatory responses. So it is, just, randomised inflammation that comes out of nowhere.


Does it generally go down?


No, it’s something that must be, must be treated with steroids to get that inflammation under control. And actually, the sooner that’s done the better, so that we can put that to bed for good, basically. True allergic reactions, what we call anaphylaxis, it’s like a life threatening condition, is very rare. That’s like one in fifty thousand people who have that. But this type of inflammation that I’ve just described is the type of thing we’d see commonly that anaphylaxis. So if you see anything actually that’s concerning at all it’s always best to check in with me. Never assume that you might be okay or it will go away because, you know, the sooner we treat any type of complication the better it is for your recovery.


So how rare is that? That people have a reaction?


Very rare. I mean I’ve been doing this for a long time and the numbers that I see are very, very, very low. So if I had to give you a percentage I wouldn’t actually know what that was but it would be really tiny.


So it’s something that you have to explain to everyone.




It’s not something I need to worry about.


Yes, indeed.


Okay. Once I’ve had this done can I put the cream on straight away, or am I best to not touch it for a while?


I would give it probably about an hour. Just for the little holes to kind of dry up a little bit then you can put it on and then keep topping it up every hour. Because you’ll find that it will dry out and you need to wipe it way and then refresh it. So just keep doing that as much as you can over the next few days.


So when I’ve looked at people’s before and after pictures on the, it varies how much you’re actually using on each person. So can you not tell me that until you actually start doing it, seeing where you’re going to go?


So for the most people it tends to be one mil, for most. And then, now and again I’ll get somebody who might need a second mil. But it’s not always obvious that they need a second mil until you allow for that movement of the filler into the tissue.


Hence so when you come back in a couple of weeks.


It can be, it can be. Or maybe even after a few months actually. You might actually see that more is needed. But yes, for most people, it tends to be one mil. I think for you one mil should be good. And you’ll probably need to do some maintenance about, in maybe about six months or so. It may last longer actually. It could be anything from six to twelve months and occasionally I do see people for who it lasts beyond a year.


I do a lot of exercise so, I’ve read that if you do cardio it’s likely to come out of your system a bit quicker.


It can do. And, you know, it’s, there are so many different theories about what makes it last longer and it is different for everyone. Because sometimes I get people in who I think, okay, this is not going to last very long for you. And they are these people, super active, lots of muscle mass who have this, you know, this wonderfully efficient metabolism so, you know, they should be coming a lot sooner and actually they can be the opposite too. So we do see all sorts. So it’s a very individual thing. What I can say to you is: however it lasts the first time around, every time that you do your maintenance it will last longer than previously until you’re really hardly doing it ever at all.




So you’ll always get more longevity with each treatment.


Right. Right.

Taking a look at potential future treatment options


I do the whole face, and I, so I work with anything that you can do with fillers, I do it basically. So tear troughs, cheeks, noses, chins, lips.


Can you look at my face, what else can I have done? Tell me what else I can have done while I’m here. So I’ve had some Botox done in the past and but literally because I’m an actor I need to be able to have full movement of my face and I don’t mind some lines.




But I just had a little bit around my eyes.




And just to, because they’re a bit crinkly now.


To just soften and open up your eye little bit more.


Yes, sure. I wouldn’t say no to more work in the future, just because you’ve got to have, you just want to look good for your age, don’t you.


Yes, absolutely, just maintaining and just looking your best is usually the goal for most people that I see, anyway.



Post treatment reveal


I didn’t realise just quite how wonky it was until now I can see it straight.


And comparing it.


I’m really happy with it, yes.


Well, you’ll love it even more, soon.


I was scared thinking that it was going to be so different that people would be like. But it’s not, you just look because it is still me. Like my sister-in-law said to me ‘But I just love your nose. It’s just you.’ You know, like.




It’s not going to make me look that different. And it’s exactly what I wanted.


Yes, you still look like you. No one would what you’ve done.


Yes, yes because I don’t hate my nose in that, you know, it’s my character and all that I’m not going to have a little button nose. But it’s making the nose that you’ve got the best that it can be, basically.




And it just looks really straight and nice.

Two week follow up


So Kate, it’s been two weeks since we did your treatment. Just tell me a little bit about how it’s been for you, since you had your treatment. And what that experience was like when you were healing afterwords.


I’ve been pleasantly surprised that I haven’t had any bruising for one. I think I was expecting to be a little bit more sore than what I was. I had a bit of tenderness here and in the tip. If you caught the nose on the edge of the jumper you knew all about it for a couple of days. But quite literally it lasted four days maximum, I didn’t have any bruising, or any redness. It just felt, as I woke up in the morning, I felt, yes, it does feel a little bit tender. Just, you know, the main areas where you injected.




But I used the arnica cream for a couple of days. I don’t even think that was necessary really, just done that as a precaution. And, yes, a couple of days in I completely forgot that I’d even had it done. And two weeks in it just feels just exactly the way it did before to be honest. It’s amazing how quickly you get used to it. I mean it’s such a subtle change that, you know, you don’t look in the mirror and think, I look so dramatically different. But I just feel more confident in my profile, definitely. And I had an audition last week and when I did my profiles I felt like, oh, it’s okay. Rather than oh no, that used to be a bit of a thing that I dreaded. I feel that what you’ve done is just really streamlined it and in the areas where I had the issues with, that’s gone.


So work wise, it’s been quite empowering for you.


It has. It definitely has in that, if you’ve had an insecurity your whole life and then it’s made dramatically different then you don’t feel quite as conscious, I guess.




So, you know, I know it’s far from perfect without having surgery, but the improvements that you’ve made to it. And what I was amazed by was you pointed things out to me that I hadn’t really even noticed. Like actually quite how wonky it was. And the difference of rebuilding my side a bit to make it straighter I really think it has made quite a lot of difference at the front. I was thinking that probably you’d only be able to notice from the profile but actually now when I look at photos I really notice how wonky it was. So I think your experience and expertise has really changed it for the better.


Ah, that’s wonderful.

Explaining the lifespan of the treatment


And I think that I should definitely be having it done every year and I’m hoping that I’ll be one of the people that it lasts a little bit longer than six months. Because I obviously do quite a lot of exercise and I think that might affect it.


A little bit, it can be one of the contributors to how long it lasts for. But the first time that you do your maintenance treatment will always be the soonest one that you do anyway. After that they actually last dramatically longer. So, whatever you get, whether it’s six months or anything up to twelve months, actually you will get more than that the second time around and more than that the third time around. So your maintenance becomes quite few and far between after a few of them.


Yes. Definitely, I think I’m going to have to work that into my beauty regimen every year because, actually, it’s probably going to be the most important thing.


And actually, I have to say, you even get more back from the treatment, as well, with future treatments. Because, with your next one what you’ll get really is the next level. So you’ll get more refinement, it will be straighter, a bit more perfected. Because right now what we’ve done really is just laid the foundations. Yes, it’s given you some lovely changes and everything. But actually you’ll get the next level on your future treatment.


Which is definitely where I’d want to go. There’s only so my that you can do with Restylane but I’ve been really impressed with the product as well. I’ve not felt any, I don’t know. I always worry about this sort of thing. You’re going to feel like, oh, it’s going to feel lumpy. But it didn’t feel like that, everything just felt very sleek.

Did anybody pick up on the treatment?


And did anyone notice, has anyone commented?


Well, a few of my friends I told about having it done, so they were on the look out for it. But my best friend, who I’ve known since I was four, said I wouldn’t have known had you not told me.




And that, it’s only when you look at the before and afters that you see there is quite a significant change. But no one studies your face the way that you do yourself. So I can really notice, my husband really noticed. But for friends, you know, I’m looking at your face and it’s your own issue and I think other people you just see your whole face as one.




They don’t sort of zone in on a certain part. I can’t believe that it’s been two weeks already. It’s just gone so quick and I’ve just completely forgotten about it to be honest. I think where I’ve had no complications whatsoever, apart from a little bit of tenderness for a couple of days. And even then I was still able to go to my class the next day, you know. And I was able to leave here, probably could have gone shopping and that and no one would have even batted an eyelid.


Wonderful, wonderful.


It’s a little bit pink, and that was it.


Yes, yes. That’s great, that’s really wonderful news.


I’m looking forward to seeing my before and after pictures, with, you know, side by side to see quite, quite how different it was.



Kate had the Non-Surgical Nose Job Treatment.

To discuss if this treatment might be suitable for you, kindly contact us and we will be delighted to organise a free consultation for you.

Naruschka Henriques

Naruschka Henriques

RN, INP, Head of Cosmetic Dermatology

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