It’s the morning after my non-surgical nose job and I’m FREAKING OUT!
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Hi, this is Naruschka Henriques. One of the things I really want to talk to you about today is about how noses look after being treated with a nose enhancement.
This is a really big question ok. Lots of people are always writing in and phoning in to find out about when would be the appropriate time to get their noses treated. And the reason why is because usually they have a function or event they want to look really good for. Usually weddings are a very popular one, or you know, perhaps they are going to an event where lots of photographs are going to be taken and that issue with their nose that they’re usually very self-conscious about is something that they want to address so that they can relax and feel comfortable and know that their pictures are going to look good and that their confidence and self-esteem will be at its best on the day.
It doesn’t just apply to people going to events and functions, it also applies to people who just simply want to have this procedure but need to understand what to expect afterwards. So, here’s the thing: after having your nose done, ok, you get some people who experience extreme swelling. Usually it starts swelling quite soon after finishing the procedure, ok. So you have those people – they fall into a category of being more sensitive. And then you have other people who, on the day, probably won’t see very much swelling. The swelling will be there but very subtle. It’ll be the following day, ok.
So your worst swelling always, always occurs in the first 24 hours. The following morning when you wake up, that is when it is going to look its worst. So it’s going to be more rounded, more bulbous, more prominent, it might even be just very, very sharp looking. It might appear higher than it normally looks and you might really, you know you may well think ‘What on earth have I done?’. You know, ‘What was I thinking yesterday?’ But, you know, rest assured it really is just swelling.
Swelling presents in very different ways in different individuals, so it’s really important to know that. It may not be in the obvious way that you are expecting. I have had many people give me that call the next day saying ‘Oh my God, I hate my nose! It’s really, really huge!’ because the swelling isn’t obvious. It looks the same, but it probably looks a lot higher and longer and a lot more prominent than it was on the day when it was treated, and it really is swelling. And I know this because I have seen it time and time again. And usually after 24 hours you will see a sharp decline in that swelling.
Realistically, you can expect swelling to be there for about 3 to 4 days and then you get what I would call residual swelling. So it’s what remains of the swelling but it isn’t obvious. You’ll probably feel that actually it’s all gone away and think that you have the result until actually a further week later when you realise actually that your nose has become that bit more refined than it was at day 4 and day 5.
So, you know, it really does take a little while – a couple of weeks and actually even at 3 weeks or 4 weeks, that can be the point when you really see what your nose looks like. So, I have the following advice for these people: if you have a function, especially if it is a wedding or you have, I don’t know, you’re someone who has lots of meetings at work – you’ve got to be face to face, you’ve got to look your best. You need to know that people are going to be focussing on what you’re saying and not on the end of your nose.
Then I would say to you look: give yourself time. Plan ahead, don’t have this procedure at the last minute. It’s not the sort of thing that you’ll want to, you know, expect to look your best in a day or two. You need to allow yourself some time so that you can go back with all the grace and dignity and know that you’re not going to be self-conscious.
The other thing as well, is if you do have a wedding or an event where actually your looks, how you look is going to be very important, because maybe all those memories are going to be captured on film and by photograph, and you can’t really redo them. Then I would say look: don’t come in a few weeks before, don’t even come in a month before. You really want to come in a couple of months before and have the procedure and then allow yourself to adjust to that change so that you feel very comfortable, ok, and that it’s not something that you are self-aware, or very self-conscious about on the day. Especially when you’re having photographs taken – that’s the last thing you need.
So give yourself lots of time – lots of time to adjust and lots of time to heal, ok. So that, on the day, the last thing you’re worrying about is if your nose looks right or if you look like you, ok.
So it really is the best advice I can give to all those individuals out there thinking of having a non-surgical enhancement in order to prepare for a function or have hectic and busy lifestyles.
To discuss if a non-surgical nose job might be suitable for you, kindly contact us and we will be delighted to organise a free consultation for you.