Men who suffer from gynecomastia (enlarged breasts) sometimes wait years before seeking treatment, often going to extraordinary lengths to mask their condition from others.
There are various types of Gynecomastia which are graded by severity. Every case is different and is treated as such.
In all of these grades, generally the chest is enlarged due to the glandular tissue but in some cases, gynecomastia is solely caused by fatty tissue and can be successfully treated with Vaser Liposuction® alone (aka ‘Pysedo- Gynecomastia’).
These are generally as follows:
Even though this is a chronic condition, often hugely impacting the confidence of anyone who suffers from it, and is sometimes even accompanied by pain, gynecomastia surgery is safe, permanent, virtually painless and takes less than two hours with minimal downtime. In most cases it is performed under a local anaesthetic, meaning that there is no hospital stay and the patient can make their way home almost immediately afterwards.
Sometimes a combination of Vaser Lipo® and gland excision are used, when there is fat and enlarged glands causing the protrusion. With Vaser Lipo®, a fine, ultrasonic probe is used to emulsify the fat, so risks of complications are minimal and there is very little scarring. Support garments need only be worn for about two weeks.
Since Vaser Lipo® works at the cellular level, there is a smooth transition between the areas that are treated and the surrounding areas. The result is a normal, natural looking chest – which is what everyone man desires and deserves!
To determine whether your gynecomastia is likely to be treatable with Vaser Lipo®, gland excision or a combination of the two, all you need do is attend a consultation with your botonics surgeon. Your individual condition, appropriate treatment and likelihood of success will be thoroughly assessed, free of charge. A Vaser Lipo® treatment typically costs £2,400 and payment plans are available. Click here to see a full list of Vaser Lipo® prices.
We’re gynecomastia surgery specialists in London, having been leaders in the plastic surgery market since 2005.
Dr Maurino Joffily is a consultant plastic surgeon from last 22 years. Having trained and gained experience in the cosmetic surgery market Dr Joffily is now one of the worlds most renowned and sought after experts in plastic and reconstructive surgery.
Treatment Summary
Procedure time
1.0 - 2.0 hours
Hospital stay
Not required
Sensitivity period
1 week
Back to work
3-5 days
Duration of results
Risks & complications
Infection, bleeding, bruising, swelling, seroma, hematoma, scar tissue, asymmetry.
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