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Mesotherapy stimulates the mesoderm (mid-dermis), or middle layer of skin, with micro injections of conventional or homeopathic medication and/or vitamins to deliver treatment to a specific area of the body. Created by Dr M Pistor in France in 1952, mesotherapy is now practised in many countries around the world in a variety of cosmetic applications including hair loss, cellulite and fat reduction and skin rejuvenation.
Mesotherapy is a treatment which has been performed worldwide for many years. It employs painless micro injections of a composition of vitamins and active ingredients into the skin, which results in improving the quality and structure of the face and body, especially around the most sensitive areas such as the eyelids, neck, chest and hands. The procedure is used in the prevention and treatment of hair loss, treatment of cellulite and stretch marks, it is also amethod of inhibiting the ageing process.
Nowadays, thanks to cutting edge science of molecular biology, there is ground-breaking Biomimetic Mesotherapy available. The Biomimetic Mesotherapy not only ensures effective rejuvenation through revolutionary nanopeptide technology, but is also more efficient in fighting cellulite, stretch marks, hair loss, permanent wrinkles and skin discolouration than more traditional forms of mesotherapy. The ultimate success is provided by the unique composition of over 50 active ingredients, including Biomimetic Peptides,and Nano-Capsulation Delivery System.
Biomimetic Peptides mimic the function of growth factors as messengers in the skin, allowing the epidermis and dermis to communicate more efficiently, which is essential, because reduced communication within the skin results in decreased collagen production and an aggregation of degraded elastinfibers. Biomimetic Peptides take the concept of skin care to new levels of effectiveness and results that imitate the biological conditions found on young healthy skin.
Growth factors are naturally-made proteins in our body that are responsible for a variety of cellular activities such as cell turnover, metabolism, and immunity. As we grow older the growth factor levels in our bodies decrease which is a main contributor to the ageing process.
Nano-Capsulation Delivery System is a pharmaceutical delivering system, which was originally developed for delivery of the active ingredients in medications. Nano-capsules are like small balls, which engulf the active ingredient in their core. Their outer layer is made of fatty molecules, which allows them to cross the cell membrane. Once they reach the cell membrane, they open up and release their content, allowing the maximum delivery of the active ingredients to the target area.
We have a range of mesotherapy treatments indicated for the following:
A minimum package of 7 treatments must be purchased for you to be taken under our care for hair loss & alopecia mesotherapy. The timing of treatments is as follows:
Additionally, single top us sessions are required every 6 – 8 months. You are advised to massage the treated area for 15 minutes per day for at least 7 days after the treatment.
Treatment Summary
Procedure time
30 minutes
Hospital stay
Not required
Sensitivity period
24 hours
Back to work
Duration of results
Risks & complications
Bruising, swelling, infection.
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