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Vaser Lipo includes using ultrasound waves to break down fatty cells in your problem area. This allows doctors to get rid of these with minimal damage to surrounding tissue, making your recovery time much shorter than with traditional liposuction. Depending on your choice, Vaser Lipo can be carried out under local anaesthetic, sedation or general anaesthetic. The anaesthetic option will depend on the size or your procedure, your budget and personal preference.
You could feel sensitive for the first week or so and can expect to fully recover within a month of your treatment. Below you can find the prices for multiple treatment areas including custom treatment and anaesthetic preferences.
Vaser Lipo consultation with specialist doctor
One area standard-def under local anaesthetic
Two areas standard-def under local anaesthetic
Three areas standard-def under local anaesthetic
Four areas standard-def under local anaesthetic
One area standard-def under sedation or general anaesthetic, day case
Two areas standard-def under sedation or general anaesthetic, day case
Three areas standard-def under sedation or general anaesthetic, day case
Four areas standard-def under sedation or general anaesthetic, day case
Five areas standard-def under sedation or general anaesthetic, day case
Vaser Mid-Def, Vaser Hi-Def or Vaser Hi-Volume
Treatment Summary
Procedure time
1.5 - 5+ hours
Hospital stay
0 - 1
Sensitivity period
1 week
Back to work
1 week
Duration of results
Risks & complications
Infection, bleeding, bruising, swelling, asymmetry.